
Print Shipping Labels

List all relevant details about the order on your shipping labels and print them directly from the platform. Specify the order details, contact numbers, AWB number, addresses, etc. on the shipping label and ensure the shipment reaches the buyer on time.

Decide what you want to display on the label and customize it according to your brand. Print it in the size you prefer and attach it to all shipments.

How Do Shipping Labels Add Value?

Shipping labels add significant value to the shipping and fulfillment process for both businesses and customers. Here are several ways in which shipping labels contribute value

Accurate Shipment Information

Shipping labels provide a clear and standardized way to communicate essential information about the shipment, including sender and recipient details, addresses, and package content. This reduces the risk of errors in the shipping process.

Efficient Processing

Automated systems can quickly and accurately process packages with printed shipping labels, streamlining operations for shipping carriers and logistics providers. This efficiency contributes to faster transit times and reduced handling times.

Real-time Tracking

Many shipping labels include barcodes or QR codes that enable real-time tracking of the package. This information is valuable for both businesses and customers, providing visibility into the shipment's status and estimated delivery time.

Cost Savings

Automated label generation and processing can lead to cost savings for businesses. It reduces the time and resources required for manual order processing, helping businesses operate more efficiently.

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